Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Recent finds

These are all designs I have found on the internet whilst looking for advertisement inspiration. Ive only taken a few of my favourite design however most of them have link to their website so check them out. My current favourite design company is Kellerhouse inc.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Mondays circuits class- 20.09.10

Designing the mondays circuits class at Thornbury Leisure Centre.

Warm up
Stretching followed by running around the hall.

3 exercises 3 groups
Exercise 1- Spins bikes positioned in the center of all hall. 1 minute high impact seated with low resistance , followed by 1 minute of hard resistance standing. This is then repeated on second round but with 30 second intervals  instead.

Exercise 2-Running around the hall with different commands. 1-change direction 2-touch the floor 3-jump.

Exercise 3- Different stationary exercises using free weights, these could be squats, lunges, shoulder press, press ups etc.

Group 1 would start on the weights.
Group 2 running around the hall.
Group 3 Spin bikes.

Then the groups all swap so group 1 will be on the bikes, 2 on the weight and 3 running. 

This is followed by an intense ab workout consisting of over 250 different sit ups and planks.

Cool down

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Tattoo Inspiration

Particularly like Kat Von D's sleeve of roses. The shadowed flowers with a darker background of petals looks really beautiful.

Tattoo Ideas

As i'd like to design my own tattoo i've had to do a hell of a lot of research. This research can be anything from Bizarre magazine to looking at other peoples tattoos whilst out and about and images/websites found on the internet. After much research i'm drawn to the idea of having a sleeve of flowers.

Tattoo Ideas

So after much thought i've decided my next tattoo will be a sleeve on my left arm. I originally wanted to get a tattoo starting just under my boob, going down my ribs, on to my stomach and ending the inside of my hip bone... but have decided to go for the sleeve first (probably a little less painful!) The pin up girls above are just a few of the ones i've found that caught my eye, I'm think a pin up girl would be more appropriate for the ribs tattoo.