Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Mondays circuits class- 20.09.10

Designing the mondays circuits class at Thornbury Leisure Centre.

Warm up
Stretching followed by running around the hall.

3 exercises 3 groups
Exercise 1- Spins bikes positioned in the center of all hall. 1 minute high impact seated with low resistance , followed by 1 minute of hard resistance standing. This is then repeated on second round but with 30 second intervals  instead.

Exercise 2-Running around the hall with different commands. 1-change direction 2-touch the floor 3-jump.

Exercise 3- Different stationary exercises using free weights, these could be squats, lunges, shoulder press, press ups etc.

Group 1 would start on the weights.
Group 2 running around the hall.
Group 3 Spin bikes.

Then the groups all swap so group 1 will be on the bikes, 2 on the weight and 3 running. 

This is followed by an intense ab workout consisting of over 250 different sit ups and planks.

Cool down